Alexander Technique teachers are educators not health care professionals and so do not diagnose medical conditions nor do they address medical issues.
How many lessons do I need to notice a difference? Approximately 6.
Annette Bening, Kenneth Branagh, John Cleese, George E. Coghill, Linford Christie, Raymond Dart, Dame Judi Dench, John Dewey, James Galway, Barry Humphries, William Hurt, Aldous Huxley, Jeremy Irons, Hugh Jackman, Kevin Kline, Sir Paul McCartney, Yehudi Menuhun, Paul Newman, Lynn Redgrave, Christopher Reeve, Jennifer Saunders, Julia Sawalha, Prunella Scales, George Bernard Shaw, Charles Sherrington, Sting, Daley Thompson, Nikolaas Tinbergen, Robin Williams, Joanne Woodward
Jack Stern, spinal neurosurgeon
Annette Bening, Actress
John Cleese, actor
Sir Charles Sherrington, neurophysiologist
Professor Nicholas Tinbergen, Nobel Prize winner for medicine and physiology
Aldous Huxley, writer
William Hurt, actor
Kevin Kline, actor