ATTUNE Alexander Technique To Uncover Natural Ease
What is the Alexander Technique?
A mindful method to function with ease in daily life
What is the Alexander Technique?
A mindful method to function with ease in daily life
Alexander Technique lessons provide relief from stress, tension and anxiety and so bring about a lightness of being that transfers seamlessly to daily activities outside of the studio.
Most often we try too hard. We put too much effort into how we accomplish our everyday tasks. A pattern of overwork develops. The tension and stress that result are relieved through the Alexander Technique.
The Alexander Technique provides a pathway to find a balance of just the right amount of effort - not too much nor too little, initiated from within.
Nature gives us a well-ordered structure, each component with a corresponding job working together in concert. The Alexander Technique teaches how to tap into these mechanisms that lay beneath our ill serving habits.
As life becomes more complex, so too its demands. We tend to accommodate in whatever way we immediately see fit, possibly misappropriating tasks of our intricate system. Short term, our coping skills may work, but long term, our inherent harmony of balance and strength are likely compromised.
The Alexander Technique unearths the source of our troubles. Building upon foundational thinking principles developed by F.M. Alexander over a century ago, the teacher's hands and words serve as a guide for the student.
A mindful process, the Alexander Technique opens a passage through which the student connects to their wholeness as an interwoven human being, while simultaneously acknowledging their relationship to their surroundings.
Those born with physical challenges and/or who have had successful or failed corrective surgeries can all benefit from the Alexander Technique, as it facilitates growth toward each individual student’s optimal potential.
"Gayl is a skilled Alexander Technique teacher - she is wise, compassionate and sensitive, and has wonderful healing hands!"
- Becky Sandler, Teacher
"When I took the Alexander Technique class with Gayl I had pain in my neck, back and leg. At the end of the class I felt a dramatic decrease in pain and I felt so calm and restful. The calming effects lasted for a whole week! I cannot wait to go back to class and I keep practicing throughout my day to release my stressful patterns"
- Julie Gayer Kris,
Senior Director of Community Wellness at the 14Y and Sirovich
""Gayl is a highly compassionate and sensitive teacher, her care communicated through her gentle and affecting touch. She brings terrific energy and commitment to her practice."
- Peggy Florin, Dancer & Teacher
The Alexander Technique student undertakes ordinary tasks such as sitting, standing, walking and lying down while the teacher gives verbal and gentle guidance with their hands